Discover the plus for your bus: OMNIplus. With bus-specific services, individualised solutions and a comprehensive portfolio, we ensure that your vehicles are always ready to go.

OMNIplus Service
Discover our Premium Service for your Mercedes‑Benz.
OMNIplus – Your performance plus.

Buses are your business. Service is ours.

Individualised service for you.
OMNIplus offers you a service portfolio so you can choose the perfect match for your needs and requirements. For example, OMNIplus ServiceContracts and eServiceContracts. With these, we ensure trouble-free bus operations with plannable costs – and that pays off for you and your company.

Wherever you are: we are there.

Your Europe-wide service.
With Europe’s largest service network, specially trained personnel and worldwide parts availability, OMNIplus assures optimum readiness of your buses. All Service Points naturally fulfil our high quality standards and stand for bus-specific expertise. With 24h SERVICE, you can look forward to fast and professional assistance around the clock and 365 days a year – no matter where you happen to be. OMNIplus Mobility gives you the security of knowing that your bus will soon be back on the road after an unexpected breakdown.

Your bus is our field of expertise.

Your professional service.
OMNIplus takes care of the professional maintenance and repair of your bus with highly specialised service personnel. For example, with bus-specific workshop facilities, special tools or the worldwide availability of OMNIplus genuine parts. Our trained and highly skilled personnel know all the ins and outs of your new or not so new bus. At the same time, you have direct access to over 130,000 genuine parts in certified OMNIplus quality. In short, OMNIplus Expertise ensures that your bus gets back on the road as quickly, efficiently and safely as possible.
OMNIplus Uptime.
Intelligent networking of vehicle, service and your business.
The most important facts at a glance:
- Networked service that thinks ahead.
- Transparency about pending maintenance measures.
- Proactive repair and maintenance management.
- Breakdowns are avoided.
More about OMNIplus.

OMNIplus BusDoc.
Bus-specific workshop and service information – quick and clear.

ServiceDirectory Online.
In the OMNIplus ServiceDirectory Online you will find all the service centres and contact persons all across Europe.