The knowledge and experience which Mercedes-Benz has gained through many years of partnership with numerous companies and customers can pay off for your company as well: we can provide you with competent advice and offer you the service you need to keep your fleet running efficiently in the long term.
Do you have any framework conditions, campaigns or provisions? May we make you a concrete offer?
Competent and specially trained sales representatives at your local Mercedes-Benz bus sales office will work together with you to create an individual fleet solution – from drawing up the contract to configuring the fleet to integrating maintenance and financial services. An overview of the bus sales office is available here.

Consulting & contact
Wherever you are. Bus sales consultants in your region.
Cyprus Import Corporation Ltd,
Ayiou Ilariona 108, 1027 Kaimakli, Nicosia,
P.O.Box 21632, 1511 Nicosia
Tel No.: +357 22 459898
Fax No.: +357 22 347835