The main advantage the Conecto bus offers is its cost efficiency. The economic viability of the bus can be seen as early as the purchasing stage due to a great “price-quality ratio”. Conecto is available in two versions: a 12-metre manoeuvrable “solo” bus, and an 18-metre articulated bus with extra-large passenger capacity, which allows you to quickly respond to changing requirements and traffic conditions. Low operational costs will have a positive impact on your business.

Conecto Euro V
Cost efficiency
Cost efficient.
Two lengths.
Thanks to Conecto’s low operating costs, you will see a positive impact on your business. Thanks to longer maintenance intervals as well as an easy-to-access transmission which is more convenient for specialist maintenance workers, expenses and downtime both decrease. Other economic advantages include an extensive after-sales network, availability of original spare parts, as well as the vehicle's long service life – an emblematic feature of all Mercedes-Benz buses.
Conclusion: Conecto helps you to save money over the whole service life of the bus.
Conecto’s construction uses reliable Mercedes-Benz components from series production. Many of the parts have been taken from the modular systems of a successful series of city buses.
The bus body is a stable frame structure manufactured in accordance with ECE R 66 standards, ensuring high durability in case of rollover.
Mercedes-Benz BlueTec® Diesel Technology.
A 6-cylinder engine with 210 kW power (286 hp) acts as the powertrain in the 12-metre bus, and a 220 kW (299 hp) engine in used in the articulated bus.
Thanks to BlueTec® diesel technology by Mercedes‑Benz, not only can fuel consumption be reduced, but also less hazardous substances are produced.
The electrical installations on the bus also meet high standards.
The dynamic FPS software reduces usage of electric components that are prone to failure to a minimum; as such, there is a reduced quantity of required leads, connectors and relays.
Consequently, the system reduces the probability of failure, leading to improved reliability.