In 2021 Mercedes‑Benz Buses announced their new sales model where selected existing Daimler Truck Southern Africa dealers became authorised Mercedes‑Benz Buses selling dealerships. The main objective was to bring Mercedes‑Benz buses closer to customers by providing more personal, user-friendly and efficient sales experience to customers.
One-on-One with Tommy Rademeyer, NMI Commercial Vehicles Durban.
Initially four dealers were signed but subsequently this number has increased, with the latest addition being NMI Commercial Vehicles Durban. We recently caught up with Tommy Rademeyer, the Regional Sales Manager at the dealership to gain insights into their progress and discover what customers can anticipate from NMI Commercial Vehicles Durban:
How is the bus market doing?
The Kwazulu-Natal bus market is a very vibrant and active market with considerable potential as there are numerous private bus organisations and the local Ethekwini Council with their own bus fleet.
What are some of the positive impacts on the customer experience and benefits to the customers with the new sales model for Mercedes‑Benz Buses and being able to purchase Mercedes‑Benz Buses through NMI Commercial Vehicles Durban?
It definitely had a positive impact on the market, most of the bus organisations from our area had a very long and loyal relationship with NMI Commercial Vehicles Durban in the past and they welcome the fact that they can deal with us directly again from a sales and after-sales perspective. Being an authorised Mercedes‑Benz Bus dealership also allowed us to have an off-site service depot where we take care of all the service and maintenance of the council buses.
Which regions does your dealership look after?
NMI Commercial Vehicles Durban looks after coastal Kwazulu-Natal, the Free State and Lesotho.
How do you see your dealership evolving to accommodate the ever-changing needs of customers?
For us at NMI Commercial Vehicles Durban it is extremely important to stay ahead of the developments in the industry and technology as it drives our customers. To achieve this we do regular staff training, upskilling and brand interactions.
How can customers get into contact with you?
Customers can directly contact me at the NMI Commercial Vehicles Durban dealership located at 5 Hippo Park Ave, Riverhorse Valley, Durban, send me an email at: or contact me on 082 562 8095.