Total cost of ownership
CapaCity & CapaCity L

Total cost of ownership.

There are many factors in operating a bus that cost money. Even if you don't have control over all costs, there's still a lot you can do to make your CapaCity more economical to operate: more than one third of the costs incurred can be actively influenced. We show you the advantages of our buses and services with regard to total cost of ownership in terms of investment, consumption, maintenance and residual value.

Economy is a question of technology. Each CapaCity provides you with an overall economical solution in your timetable. The innovative vehicle technology impresses through performance optimisation: BlueEFFICIENCY drive technology for highly efficient traction, fully automatic transmissions for first-class ride comfort and the further-developed portal axle for speeding up passenger throughflow.

The Euro VI engines reduce not only pollutants to a minimum, but fuel consumption as well, and consequently lower a considerable part of fixed operating costs. Responsible for this achievement is the recuperation module, among other measures. It supplies the vehicle's electrical system with stored electricity generated free of charge in overrun mode. This relieves the engine and noticeably lowers fuel consumption.

Quality and longevity make the CapaCity a stable investment from the outset. At the same time, our OMNIplus Service ServiceContracts keep your accounting processes running according to plan. The periodic maintenance guarantees transparent costs at all times as well as a calculable residual value.

Profit not only from the technical advantages of the CapaCity. Attractive financing offers and insurance solutions with premiums calculated precisely on the basis of your specific use will ensure your economic head start.

Mercedes-Benz buses can be found on the road nearly all over Europe. OMNIplus provides the densest bus-specific Service Network for this purpose. It guarantees quick assistance and short downtimes in case of an emergency. Naturally around the clock with our reliable 24h SERVICE.

To round off our portfolio, we would be happy to recommend the OMNIplus EcoTraining. Our experience has shown that the two requirements of saving fuel and keeping to the timetable no longer need to be a contradiction in terms. Together with digital services from OMNIplus ON, the economic handling of the fleet can be increased. Nor do we abandon you at the end of your bus's useful life: as an option, BusStore will guarantee the resale value of your vehicle and buy it back from you at the end of the defined term.